Classroom Collaboration

Expanding Horizons

The lab helps faculty members integrate digital technology and methods into their pedagogy and classroom practice.

Lab Support

The lab offers access to technology that assists with video, audio, and podcasting project; poster projects; website and blog creation, and much more.


For more information, contact Dr. Daniel Vollaro at

Featured Projects

Living Through the Pandemic

Dr. Ellen Rafshoon and her honors students used this oral history project to document COVID-19’s impact on GGC, its faculty, and students by compiling different perspectives of people within the college community.

The research revolved around this question: How different subgroups responded based on their level of hierarchy at GGC. The researchers documented varying levels of disruption due to COVID-19.
View project.

Digital Art Gallery

The DH lab is partnering with Dr. Catherine Moore and other GGC art faculty to build an online gallery space for student art projects. The project is in its early stages, but the finished gallery will be a showcase for the excellent visual art created by GGC students.